You may have come across helpful blogs from time to time on the internet. Basically these are web pages dedicated to sharing information which can be incredibly valuable to someone interested in finding out that kind of specialist information.
At DragonTech, we write blogs for two main reasons. Firstly, we want to inform and help our audience, and secondly, we want to bring people to our website. Blogs are an amazing form of getting your business out there because a busy website is a website that will rank higher than a site that is a ghost town.
In this blog on blogging, I will take you through some of the tricks that will help you dominate your opponents when writing blogs, and hopefully allow you to overcome your opposition on search engines. This will result in more website visitors, more web traffic and hopefully more sales. You should definitely write blogs or hire someone like me to write for you because you know your business like no other – and I need the money!!!
Let’s dive in shall we?
First of all, the most important thing is that you will want to write a blog relevant to your business. If you own a roofing company, you’ll want to write a blog on roofing. Soffits, Fascias, different kinds of roofing, such as Shingle, Metal Roofing, or even installation of solar panels and roof gardens. These will show off your knowledge and bring in local customers!
I specialize in restaurants, and have made a lot of money for different companies writing successful food blogs, and a good blog is worth paying for because it will sometimes get more traffic than your homepage and catapult you into success. With my blogs, I have risen several quality restaurants up very highly on search engines, and over time, decimated competition. All it takes is time, dedication and a little knowledge. Once you’ve written your blogs, you can share them on social media. For an example of one of my restaurant blogs, you can look here!
What Makes This a Good Blog?
This blog took me some time, and certainly wasn’t written in a day. I needed a lot of patience, research, time and effort to write it, and even though it’s a demo blog on my website, it still ropes in new readers every day.
Now I have always loved Chicken Tikka, but I absolutely hate Chicken Tikka Masala, as usually restaurants use older chicken and disguise the dryness and taste with sauce – which I really don’t like. For me the customer is always the number one priority, as a happy customer is a returning customer, and feeding out of date chicken to customers drives me up the wall. Having worked as a cook and sous chef, I believe in quality and not poisoning my poor customers into never coming back.
I chose Tikka Masala for one reason. Tikka is a heavily used word, but Tikka Masala together has less competition, as that’s two keywords together. I’ll get into keywords later on. I had to do some extra research on the dish and it’s specifics, how it was made and the ingredients. Despite having made the dish on many occasions, it doesn’t mean my knowledge is flawless, so researching even things you know about is a great idea.
I had to become the authority on this blog so I could wreck my competition. I read other blogs on Tikka Masala, and I outdid them on information and competed viciously to try and get a higher ranking. I wanted to become an authority on the subject.
Giving some basic information at the start, like a little prelude, allows one to hook the audience in and give them a reason to read more. You will reduce your bounce rate that way. Bounce is the chance people will go onto your blog then close the page or leave it without reading the information. High bounce rates on pages are bad for your website and it’s rank on search engines.
As health is popular, especially in blogging, I researched deeply into the health benefits of Chicken Tikka Masala, as it gave me the power to overcome the competition which only speculated mostly and then provided little to no valuable information. This increased my word count and also the number of keywords in the blog. My competition was lazy so I just had to provide solid facts and quality information. As much as it’s funny to read: “The garlic in Chicken Tikka Masala keepeth away thee recreant and unholy vampyre!” It’s much better to talk about garlic’s health benefits.
Despite the fact I love adding humour to blogs, on this one I left it out. Humour is great if you are writing close and personal blogs. It doesn’t work out for information heavy ones though. With this one, I chose not to include humour due to the fact that it would have alienated my audience and I am not writing for the Babylon Bee. This blog is for people who want to eat Chicken Tikka Masala. I have to make people hungry. Not laugh.
Whilst I included a brief guide to the preparation and cooking of the dish, I avoided getting into detail with measurements. I am selling the dish not teaching people how to avoid coming into my fictional restaurant. So you don’t want to give too much away or you will lose customers – if you give them too much.
My goal is simple: I want the customer to find my blog, look at it, think, “Darn it, I am so hungry, I know what I’m going to eat tonight! A nice healthy Chicken Tikka Masala! And where better to eat it than Alex’s Cheeky Fictional Restaurant! Then they come in because they know they want it, and they know I know how to cook it. I can actually cook a good chicken tikka meal, along with a lot of other Indian dishes, Italian dishes and I can also teach you how to make your own escargot and make the flavour better than your local high class establishment! Not bad for a prematurely balding tech guy who writes music for horror films in his spare time!
Exclamation Marks!!!
I really love exclamation marks! I use them in every blog I write! Every morning when I wake up I think: “Wow! I can’t wait to face the day!” If you replace those with full stops, the sentence becomes boring. – Every morning… When I wake up… I think: “Wow… I can’t wait to face the day. – I also like croquet, and the colour grey.” That just drained the life out of the sentence. I feel like I’m dying writing it! It’s that bad!
A good blog needs punch! Flavour! Passion! Love! It needs to absorb you, and captivate you! To flow like lightning in a bottle! Full stops end things. They drag things down. Commas, extend, things, so, much, that, this, just, slowed, down, your, ability, to, read, this. But exclamation marks! Well – you get it!
Use Helpful Headings!
Headings are extremely useful. You can use them to show the reader whereabouts in the blog they are and they allow the reader to take a tiny psychological breather as they move through. Sometimes your info may be exceptional but if you aren’t doing well, your blog becomes a slog and induces mental fog and then you find your reader has gone to walk the dog! I didn’t use any for a little while, if you look back you’ll probably find you felt a little lost with all my droning.
Smart, useful headings will keep the reader attached to your blog. It lets them know where they are and grounds them. I love playing around with astounding alliteration in my helpful headings as it helps with the flow when I’m rereading before sending to a client and keeps things feeling fresh!
Word Count and Keywords are King!
Some bloggers will tell you you can write 200 to 500 words in your blogs or will charge for that. What are these!?! Blogs for ants!? These blogs are short and insignificant, much like most of my relationships… Absolutely pointless and they will net you zero traffic. It’s hard to convey any information in such a small blog and the search engine is not a stupid beast. Your blogs will get filtered out if they are too low in word count. I try and keep my blogs at a minimum of 1000 words, though sometimes I may go as little as 750.
In 1000 words, you have the option to place many more keywords, (I mentioned these earlier!) and you can also make keywords appear more times in the blog without them being seen as spammy. Keywords are singular or multiple words a person might search for such as “chicken tikka information” or “why is Alex going bald so tragically young?” If your blog features this information naturally, it’s more likely to be picked up by search engines. I try to keep sentences short and sweet, like marzipan slices! It’s important not to put too many instances of keywords in, such as keywords about keywords, keywords, key words on keywords. Because that will appear as spam on a search engine, if your customers are searching for keywords.
Use Impressive Images!
A good image like the one at the start of this blog will help your audience engage visually with your blog. Good CC0 images can be found on Pixabay and Pexels. They can be used commercially for free! You should use your own images though! It’s important to have images of your company, logo and staff there to build trust with your audience.
Finish With A Smile!
Many blogs are very professional, and most of the ones I write for DragonTech are serious and choc full of good information. I do not like writing professionally, and prefer to be light hearted and whimsical. I’ve had a lot of fun in this blog – I’ve written some nice self deprecating humour and I’ve enjoyed it thoroughly! It’s always good to finish a blog with a bit of warmth, life and fun! Hopefully, it’s helped you and now you want to start writing blogs to bring more visitors to your site and sell your services! Now alas, I must leave you, dear friend, for I must baldly blog where no man has blogged before! (I have rent coming soon, please for the love of god someone hire me!)
Have a great day!

Alex is the CEO of Fantasoft LLC. He is a marketing specialist and blog writer from the UK with experience working with a variety of different companies including law firms, construction companies, roofing specialists and restaurants.
Thanks for the advice! I’m going to start blogging
Hi Grant! It’s definitely worthwhile! If you ever need a hand with anything, hit me up, I’m always happy to help!